For a Dengue Free Home, Keep Mosquitoes Away | LionHDB
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For a Dengue Free Home, Keep Mosquitoes Away

The world is still trying its best to save itself from the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. On the other hand, the start of the monsoon season also brings mosquito-borne viruses like the dengue virus.

Usually, dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus. It is a disease-causing infection that is spread by Aedes mosquitos’ bite. It is also famous among people as break-bone fever. The dengue virus can affect anyone at any age.

Most of the infected people have minor or some have no symptoms. Fever, eye pain, headache, muscle, bone or joint pain, vomiting, and nausea are the most common symptoms of dengue fever.

While most patients of dengue virus recover without any serious problems, a more severe dengue form, also known as DSS (dengue shock syndrome) or DHF (dengue hemorrhagic fever) can lead to tremor and even death.

Although there is no special remedy or vaccine against the dengue virus. You can always protect yourself and also your family by implementing some protective methods to keep the home environment safe.

It is also time to keep your home get ready against the dengue virus. A clean home exudes positive energy and is a better place to live.

Dengue Fever Symptoms

Symptoms of dengue fever, which commonly start four to six days after the infection from the dengue virus, may contain:

  • Sudden the high fever
  • Pain behind eyes
  • Severe headaches
  • Severe muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Skin rash
  • Mild bleeding

Diagnosing of Dengue Fever

Doctors diagnose the dengue infection with a blood test to check the stage of the virus infection. After that, they decide how many antibodies should be given to the diagnosed patient. If you come to be sick after traveling to any tropical area or surrounding your home, let check to your nearby doctor know. This will permit your doctor to estimate the possibility that your symptoms are caused by the dengue virus or from any other infection.

Treatment for Dengue Fever

There is no proper and particular medicine to treat the dengue infection. If you feel you have dengue fever, you should only use the pain relievers with acetaminophen and evade tablets with aspirin, which could get worse bleeding. You should also take proper rest, drink sufficiently of liquids, and visit your doctor according to their advice. If you start to realize in the start 24 hours that you are in worse condition, you should go to a hospital directly to be checked for problems.

Preventing Dengue Fever

In 2019, a vaccine known as Dengvaxia was approved by FDA that helps to prevent the disease from happening in young aged people who are already infected by the dengue virus. But, there is currently no exact vaccine to prevent all populations from this disease.

The first step to prevent from dengue virus is to properly clean your house and also close windows and doors before sunset. Because the mosquitos are commonly more active during & post-sunset time.

In addition, cleaning the house daily, one should also make a schedule for weekly deep cleaning. Clean all the house corners, clean carpets, getting rid of cobwebs, dust-laden ceiling fans, and also scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen tiles.

Tips to Save Home from Dengue Virus

Here are some best ways to prevent mosquitoes from your house and increase the protection of yourself and your family against the dengue virus.

Keep Your House Clean & Tidy

Keep your home clean properly. Evade leaving junk outside and inside the house which can certainly make the mosquitoes house and for their eggs like the old tires, and also the other all storage that contains water inside.

Clean Water Containers Regularly

The most common household items like water containers, planter dishes, pet water containers, and vases of original flowers can also serve as breeding places. Because in standing water mosquitoes like to lay their eggs. So clean all these household items regularly.

Take Out the Trash Regularly

If it is possible the user to close the trash bins and take out all your home trash regularly. Your home trash segregating will help you to stop insects from entering your household. Clean and Drain your roof gutters to evade the water buildup. Do the same process with fountains, pools, and bathtubs.

Promote Plantation

Mosquito-repelling plants eject natural gases. You can arrange the mosquito-repelling plants like tulsi, neem, lemongrass, eucalyptus, etc in your home or keep them near to your home window. The main quality of these kinds of plants that are providing the source to prevent the dengue virus from entering your house.

Wear Fully Covered Clothes

Wear those clothes that can fully cover your body completely. Use protective clothing like long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and closed-toe shoes as an alternative to sandals inside and outside the house.

Using Mosquito Net

Use the Mosquito net when you want to sleep. It will protect you from dengue mosquitoes and also from other insects. Ensure that there are no holes and it is well sealed to get full protection.

Using Sprays at Home

This technique has increased in recent years for the reason that it is right for the whole society. Spray pest sprays every other day. This technique will kill the mosquitoes, rescind all unhatched eggs and prevent the dengue virus from home.

If you are affected by the spray chemicals, use the camphor. Shut all the windows and doors of a room and use light camphor.

Use Insecticides

Purchase insecticides that are real and effective against all kinds of mosquitoes. It should be safe for use inside the home. Use mosquito coils with caution & keep your children away from this.

Apply the mosquito prevent liquid all over your body. Most especially in the rainy season when you will be exposed to insects.


Prevention is better than any cure. It is fact that this virus does not spread from one person to another person, mosquitoes can become anyone infected with it bites that infection shows as dengue fever.

So, it is our main responsibility to stay careful and also prevent this serious and dangerous disease from increasing in the community.

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